The efficient LFI bus network connect Montepulciano to the Chiusi-Chianciano train station.The Chiusi-Chianciano Terme railway station is on the route Milano-Bologna-Firenze-Roma, halfway between Florence and Rome; you can easily reach both Florence and Rome in about an hour and forty minute. Usually there is a train from Chiusi to Florence or Rome every hour. For any information about train timetable you can check the TRENITALIA schedule.
Experience the "Nature Train" tour through one of the world’s most beautiful landscapes… Live the fantastic dream of a past-time adventure between the historical-and-environmental Val d’Orcia district and the Mount Amiata Wildlife Park… Re-discover the pleasure of feeling the nature’s forgotten atmospheres!
Most Nature Train services use 50-year-old diesel railcars but sometimes old steam engines haul vintage wagons dating back to the 1910s and 1920s. The timetables have been arranged to connect with ordinary train services at Siena, Asciano and Monte Antico, so the train is easy to reach from Florence, Rome, and Grosseto. Special rover tickets permit travel for a whole day on trains comprising the circuit with no restrictions on intermediate stops. Tickets are sold on the trains by volunteer staff who explain the scenery to passengers through a speaker system.
Those train are run by a voluntary association of retired railway workers and other interested people with regular services on 15 to 20 holidays during May, June, September and October over the Asciano–Monte Antico route11.
Nature Train
Nature Train
Nature Train